Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Caroline turning 4!

Today Caroline turns 4-years-old and we have been celebrating! We had a mid-day party without her brothers, but with somewhere between 12-15 school, church and DS friends. We were thrilled that Caroline was able to blow out her candle! And boy, was she excited too! Here she is pictured with her school buddy, David. Also, one child's mother made this darling outfit for her--had to include that!

Just another crazy day...

Recently, I counseled someone about to watch my children, "don't turn your back on Caroline, she's a little tornado" and right behind her is Mary Elizabeth, learning all the tricks. Caroline does not let a little thing like counter height spoil an opportunity for good fun. She just pushes a chair over to where she wants to go and climbs right up! ME is quickly behind her. Recently, we've discovered the potential water fun at the kitchen sink. This is the picture that greeted Daddy one night as he came home from work. And where was mom? In the laundry room, of course!

Halloween 2009

Mary Elizabeth and Caroline were in the full spirit of Halloween this year! ME really mastered the word "candy." However, our boys were faced with a dilemna--trick or treating or the Vanderbilt football game which was conveniently scheduled for 7:00. It was a surprisingly tough call! And mom, being a somewhat lackluster Vanderbilt fan and a traditionalist, opted that there must be at least some trick or treating. So the compromise was trick or treating from six to seven and late arrival at the Vanderbilt game. Blaise and Ken Palombo went with our boys to a very cold, but mildly exciting game.
Also in this post, we have our annual Halloween-costume-Moore-family-cousins photo. You may notice that a few of the cousins are wearing pioneer apparel. This was in honor of the Little House on the Prairie musical that many of us attended that afternoon. It was a busy Saturday!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Where does the food go?

It was a pizza-at-Costco-night and we brought some back home. I guess Caroline hadn't had enough to eat and so she pulled up a chair, opened the box and pulled out the biggest "piece" of pizza we had ever seen. Actually, it was three pieces stuck together. This little girl can eat and eat and we have no idea what happens to all the food in that little body!

First Day of School!

School started this year on August 12th! Joseph is in the first grade and Mrs. Whitaker is his teacher. Stewart is in the 2nd grade with Mrs. Blackwell as his teacher. The boys were not very excited to go back to school, but that's life for several more years! So far it's been a great school year thanks to some good teachers!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Stewart's Baptism

Stewart turned 8 this year, August 6, 2009. We celebrated his birthday with a baseball party. We were thrilled to have my sister, Sarah, and her family visiting from California. But of course, the most important thing about Stewart's birthday this year was that he was old enough to be baptized. We are so proud of Stewart for making the decision to be baptized and making the commitment to Heavenly Father to be a member of His church, to obey His commandments and to follow Jesus Christ.

Stewart was baptized two days after his birthday on August 8th by his Dad. Aunt Sarah and Mom gave talks. Stewart and his cousin, MaryAnn, played a violin duet, "I Like to Look for Rainbows." This is what Stewart remembers from his baptism, "The water was hot! I was happy and excited to be baptized like my other friends at church and become an official member of the church. I know that my baptism was a promise to keep Heavenly Father's commandments. I feel happy about my baptism because I know I can turn to Heavenly Father when I keep my part of the promise."