We've moved! After a whirlwind summer where we worked like dogs to put our house on the market, we sold it on August 9th. We left on an extended vacation on July 23rd, frantically working until we walked out the door. And it was worth it! On the flight home, 2 1/2 weeks later, we had an email from our realtor with an offer. We were so blessed not only to sell our house quickly, but not being home so that we had to have it perfect with 4 small children underfoot.
So then we were left with the dilemna of where to go... We had not expected to sell so quickly and we had not had time to look around because we were so focused on getting our house ready. After looking around for a few days, we were very discouraged and as a last resort, went to see a house we had looked at a year earlier and hadn't liked. It was in a neighborhood that was a great fit for our family for various reasons. So we walked in and loved it! It just felt like the right place and we had our realtors start making the deal happen.
We moved on October 17th with the help of my parents, Les & Joan Moody, who flew in from Utah, lots of people from church, and of course, Paul's family, who are all here locally. I grossly underestimated what was left to be done and so my parents and Beth & Brierra Palombo had to work pretty hard to get us really out the door. When it was time to unpack, we had an army to help us out with a handful of teenagers from church, all of the Palombos, my parents, Paul's parents and brothers. It was impressive and we were so grateful!